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Under New Ownership

An American couple from Northern California, Dominique and Ray Powell took over ownership from Gordon Bell.  Gordon had spent almost a decade restoring this farmhouse to an operational Albergue for weary Pilgrims.  Gordon fell ill and could no longer operate the Albergue full time. 


The Powell's fell in love with The Camino and Galicia and will be ready to operate it in April of 2021.  They took over ownership in June of 2019.  The Albergue had sat unused for 2 years and needed some deep cleaning, painting, and upgrading.  The work had begun and the plan was to open in April of 2020 and then.......THE PANDEMIC HIT.  Ray was working on the Albergue between February and March and was forced to leave on 15 March 2020 and head back to California before the borders were closed.  So there has been a delay in opening until April 2021.


      1 April 2022
  We are officially

Two weeks of hard work and Casa Banderas is OPEN for business.  Last year because of COVID occupancy limitations we were only able to open for September and October.  It was great time and we met wonderful pilgrims from over 35 countries.  This year we are cleared at 100% occupancy and it is sure to be a GREAT YEAR!!


Stop bye for a drink and a rest or stay with us.


Opening Soon

1 April 2022

1 April 2022
Our goal for 2022 is to be opening on 1 April 2022!!  At first I will be going back to Spain in Mid March with a good friend of mine to get the Albergue ready for operation.  Dominique will follow out about the third week of April.

We Officially Opened 5 September 2021!!!!

Our dream of owning and running an Albergue on the Camino Frances finally came to be on 5 September 2021!!!!  After all the paperwork, Visa applications, travel, PANDEMIC, hard indoor and outdoor work.  We finally opened for Pilgrims to stay with us.  In late August of 2021 the Galician government brought the hospitality occupancy to 50% which made it reasonable for us to open.  Even though we could only house 5.5 Pilgrims we OPENED!!  What an incredible experience.  We were open from 5 September to the end of October.  We had over 250 pilgrims from 23 different countries.  We are so looking forward to the 2022 Season. Our goal is to Reopen 1April 2022.  Buen Camino!!

UPDATE: 1 June 2021:  Dominique and I struggled to travel from the United States!!  We made it on 18 March to get ready to open and to do some more, "EXTRAS" to the place.  But Spain is just not ready to open yet.  We stayed working 7 days a week to put in extra amenities for our Pilgrims but the restrictions are still too much!! 30% occupancy and very few Pilgrims and family commitments at home (California) we traveled back to the States and our goal is mid to late August to OPEN! We are hoping by then that all the restrictions will have been lifted and we can open for business.

Dominique with our newly refurbished wine barrel donated by our local farmer/wine maker Fernando.

Latest News December 2020

So the saga continues!!  Ray had to leave Spain on 15 March 2020 because of the Pandemic.  It took 6 months before Ray and Dominique were able to travel back to Galicia.  The only reason they were able to travel to Spain is because they got approval for their Residency Visas and had to go finish all the appointments to get their Residency cards.  That will hopefully be all complete in mid-December.  


Ray and Dominique arrived back at Casa Banderas on 15 September 2020 and got right to work on all the things that needed to be done to get the Albergue ready to be opened.  Ray will be writing about all the projects in our Blog section.  Dominique was able to stay for a month and Ray stayed for 2 months and got an amazing amount of things accomplished.  Casa Banderas is 99% ready for opening in April 2021 (depending on the Pandemic). We will keep you posted.


Buen Camino!!


The flags are all back up!!
I am sure we will add more this year!!

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© 2019 by Casa Banderas. 

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